The Community Answers "Have You Ever Needed Assistance During a Swim"

Swim Assistance

Without support, open water swimming can be a dangerous activity even for the most experienced swimmer. It can be hard to predict what will happen when out in the water, making trained support vital to a successful swim.

In the Odyssey Open Water Swimming Ask the Community series, we recently asked swimmers if they ever needed assistance during a swim and if they would be willing to share their stories. Below are the responses we received.


  • “Yes. In Rio das Ostras, Rio de Janeiro State in Brazil in 2006. I had toe cramps and was let into the lifeguards' motorboat to get a calf massage I was released at the same spot to finish the race. It was embarrassing!” - Bianca B. 


  • “Had to be moved by jet ski 1 time in the Bay as the current was flooding in and pushing me into Bay Bridge.” - @rich.saint669 

  • “One of the first times I swam with Odyssey. I got cramps in both legs. Held onto the kayak until Taylor got there. They are both my heroes.” - @crazyjudy17 

    • “So glad we were able to help you out! And now you’re a pro!” - @odyssey_openwaterswimming

  • “I got caught in a strong flood tide in 54F degree water in Vancouver Bay. I asked a seal to give me life. He didn’t. So I managed to swim cross current to shallow water and swim back up to my starting point. The one time I had personal volunteer kayak support, the lady kept hitting me while I was swimming and steered me into bad waters…” - @sabrina.flynn 

Thank you to everyone who participated in this week’s question, sharing what was a difficult situation. Odyssey Open Water Swimming provides swim support and/or coaches on kayaks or paddleboards during each swim. During large swims, there may be several boats on-site to provide assistance if needed. If you have any questions about swimming with Odyssey Open Water Swimming, please contact

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