Amount of Money to Never Swim Again: “Ask the Community” Series

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To take a break from some of the more serious questions we’ve posed in the past, we wanted to engage the open water swimming community in a silly subject. The “Ask the Community” series poses questions, from the silly to the serious, to the open water swimming community around the world. In this edition of the “Ask the Community” series, we ask the fun question -- “How much would someone have to pay you to never swim again?” Not everyone appreciated the question, but we got some fun responses from some of our favorite open water swimmers. 

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  • “Uhm. The only reason I want a bunch of money is so I can have a beachfront property to swim everyday.” - sabrina.flynn 

  • “My husband says $190,000 and he will stop swimming forever.” - scardenasjr


  • “No amount of money is worth my sanity. Swimming keeps my mind and body in check ☺️🐬” - Shon J.

  • “There is not enough money or chocolate available.” - Laura Y.

  • “1 trillion, nothing less, the thought of never swimming again is like never breathing again.” - Lisa D. 

  • “Maybe 10 million?” - Aaron W. 

  • “Better question is what I would pay to keep swimming.” - Gary W.

  • “Nope, not even a billion dollars.” - Pak Him Lai

  • “I can’t swim LOL.” - Sachie F.

Stay tuned to Odyssey Open Water Swimming on social media for an “Ask the Community” question each week! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.